Monday 11 March 2019

What is a life experience???

The fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation. Practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity.
          Everyday is different from the previous day. Some days bring you happiness and some others do not. You do not have any control. You do so many things as part of your life. Results may vary from best to worst. You would have done your best but the result may be something different. In some other cases it would be the reverse .
I will try to explain:. You have written a few bank tests for officer's post during the last one year. No offer from any bank. One fine morning say,20th December, you get two offers from two different banks to report to their offices the next day, 21 December. The catch is that the date shown in both the letters are same , next day, ( two different towns far away from each other). You have 24 hours to decide your future,which bank you should join . Both are PSU banks. What is the solution.? You /your parents consult your neighbour who is a senior bank officer in another bank. You join the bank suggested by him. After a few years you find that your selection has benefitted you in more ways than one. This is an experience.
You were sure about the bank loan for a function to take place at home on the coming monday. You were to collect the money two days earlier on that saturday.. It so happened that a hartal was declared on that saturday. No bank. You were in a fix running round for money. Luckily you friend helped you. Another experience.
You were all set to attend your close friend's marriage in a far away town. Air tickets arranged. Just a few hours before you started you get stomach problems which prevents you from travelling.
Looking for a bride since three years. No success. Frustrated. Just like that a friend brings a proposal and it clicks within a period of two weeks.
There were many and there would be many many such experiences in one's life.

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